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  • Writer's pictureJoJo

In development

Updated: Jan 18, 2020

How’s your new years going?! Staying committed to your fitness goals? Maintaining your decision to start eating clean. Yep same here. I mean, I know a lot of people focus on the “new year new me” but I’m okay with being where I’m at, in development. I look at life as an opportunity to start over everyday. And it’s okay to start over... and over and over as many times needed. 2020 is no exception.

Now, don’t get me wrong entering into a new decade is major! But make it major for you. Make 2020 work for you. Everyone will not have the same experience as you. We have to be aware that our lives are very multifaceted, so we have to be okay with starting at different times, paces, and levels. Remember life is a marathon not a sprint.

So, the “new year new me” concept has never been something I’ve connected with. When you’re ready to make the changes you will do whatever is necessary to make it happen. No amount of new year high is going to start that for you.

Nonetheless, every year, I go in with the lessons that I’ve learned from the previous year because according to Maya Angelou,

“You can’t really know where you’re going until you know where you have been”.

So since you’ve been so gracious to join me, let's talk about it. My top five lessons that I learned in 2019:

1. I found out that I am a true empath.

Ways that I’ve found to tackle this is to incorporate meditation and prayer EVERYDAY. No, I don’t mean the Santa Monica meditation studio kind I mean as soon as I wake up, use the restroom, wash my hands (for you OCD people), wash my face, and brush my teeth, in my room at the butt crack of dawn type of meditation and prayer.

2. Don’t be afraid to be unapologetically me.

You know how the power of get-togethers with the girls always leaves you a little more enlightened. Yea that was me this past year. It took me gathering with some girlfriends from my church to find out that I was uncomfortable with being me. So much so that even compliments can make me uncomfortable.

So battling being unapologetically me means that I have to accept who I am and allow for mistakes. Don’t aim for perfection, aim for truth.

3. Loose procrastination and pick up hustle.

Change begins when I start living life with URGENCY and pushing past the fear that swells in my chest.

“ You’re living in concepts and not in behaviors. You can say like I want to be fearless but what is the behavior that demonstrates you being fearless.” How are you manifesting you own fearlessness.Moving away from concepts and living in behaviors. Live with an urgency, your better does not deserve to wait you deserve to have it now but sometimes you have to do the work to meet God’s blessing.
Adrienne Johnson

4. Be a you without your partner sometimes

It’s easy to fall into the trap of, “Ooh me and the pear bear would love to go!” or pre-planned Netflix and chill weekends. But no one and I mean no one talks enough about maintaining individuality in long term relationships. My lesson this year taught me that it’s okay to be by myself and to have goals that don’t tie into relationship goals.

5. Don’t allow fear to debilitate me.

This task is harder alone but when you’re linked up with the most high nothing is impossible. And thats just that on that. PERIOD.

So where have you been? How are you going to continue to tackle this “new you”? What did you learn in 2019 and how will you use it to keep developing in the new year. Remember life is a marathon not a sprint.

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